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Giving is an essential part of our spiritual growth and worship. In the Bible, we see early Christians giving to support the Church (Acts 4:32-35; 1 Cor. 16:1-2), and Paul teaches that giving is an act of faith, done with a joyful heart (2 Cor. 9:6-7). Jesus also reminds us that our giving reflects our values and priorities (Mt. 6:19-21). At Saint Mark, your contributions help sustain our ministries and further God's mission. We invite everyone to give as part of their spiritual journey, trusting in God’s provision.
We believe that giving is a loving response to God’s endless generosity. Rather than focusing on a specific percentage, we encourage our parishioners to offer their first and best out of love and gratitude. It’s not about how much you give, but the heart with which you give.