An ongoing, once a week gathering, where children ages 6-11, independently of their sacramental status, come to spend time with other children, listening and learning about the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel. For those in need of their sacraments, more directed instruction will take place as the time for the reception of sacraments approaches.
ENROLL NOWParents are the primary educators of their children. The day of a child’s baptism, parents accept the responsibility of training their child in the practice of the faith. They acknowledge that it is their duty to bring their child up to keep God’s commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbor. Furthermore, they attest that their faith makes them ready to accept the responsibility of making it their constant care to bring their child up in the practice of the faith, and to see that the divine life which God gives their child through Baptism is kept safe from the poison of sin, to grow always stronger in the child’s heart. Therefore, it is the responsibility of parents to transmit faith to their children.
The Christian community is responsible for catechesis. Catechesis is a responsibility of the whole Christian community. The Parish as the Christian Community has the responsibility to provide the context within which the faithful can receive the catechesis and formation to grow in faith and love of God and neighbor. However, the catechesis that the Parish may provide for children can only build on the transmission of faith taking place within the family, and only there will it flourish.
Beyond Sacramental Preparation. The transmission of faith within the family, and the catechesis provided within the Christian community do not accomplish the entire project. Beyond growing in faith and being catechized, children need to be helped to become integrated within the Christian community. It is building relationships with other children and with faith-filled adults that can guide them that children receive an experience of the Church within which the faith transmitted to them in their family and explained through catechesis can be given a space to continue to grow and flourish.